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Momentum for the Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT)

Mar 27, 2020

Working with entrepreneurs has shown me that we are the most consistent source of positive momentum for humanity. Here’s what’s going to happen in this crisis. Entrepreneurs are going to rise above the noise. We’re going to identify the opportunities that are there, see a way to move things forward, grab hold of it, take it forward, get into momentum, and bring the world with us. The world needs us now more than it ever has.

I want this episode of the Momentum Podcast to encourage you. Don’t ever apologize for doing business, selling, or moving things forward as long as you are doing it in an ethical way, we need you to. Humanity is desperate for hope, and entrepreneurs will lead the way to a better future. The lives you change with your business today will begin the process of changing the world for the better. Let’s make it happen.

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